Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter30 Co nf iguring QoS
Configuration Examples for Policy Maps
Modifying Output Policies and Changing Queuing or Scheduling Parameters
This section provides examples of updating an existing set of output policy maps to modify the
parameters of the configured queuing and scheduling actions. The modification in the output policy map
might be required due to a change in the service provisioning requirements. You can make the change
without shutting down any port.
In the initial configuration, Fast Ethernet ports 1 through 12 are UNIs and are activ e . F ast Etherne t ports
13 through 24 are UNIs and are shut down. Gigabit Ethernet ports 1 and 2 are NNIs and are enabled by
The requirement is to change the action parameter s.
Note these restrictions when configuring output policies:
You can define up to three classes in the output policy map.
The defined classes must be the same as other output policy maps.
The number of defined classes in each output policy map must be same.
You must assign an action to each class; that is, there can be no empty class.
Each class configuration must be based on the classification/marking done in the input policy-map.
This example modifies the third output service policy servicing Fast Ethe rn et UNI s 8 th rough 1 2 by
providing minimum guaranteed bandwidth of 40 Mbps to the gold class (changed from 50 Mbps),
30 Mbps to the silver class (changed from 20 Mbps), and 20 Mbps to the bronze class (changed from 10
Switch(config)# policy-map output9-12
Switch(config-pmap)# class gold-out
Switch(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 40000
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap)# class silver-out
Switch(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 30000
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap)# class bronze-out
Switch(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 20000
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Modifying Output Policies and Adding or Deleting Configured Actions
This section provides examples of updating an existing set of output policy maps to add or delete queuing
and scheduling actions. The modification in the output policy map migh t be required due to a change in
the service provisioning requirements. You can make the change without shutting down ports that are
not configured with the output policy map to be modified. But you mu st sh ut down the ports tha t a re
configured with that output policy map. Customers not using this o utput pol icy m ap a re no t a ffected .
In the initial configuration, Fast Ethernet ports 1 through 12 are UNIs and are activ e . F ast Etherne t ports
13 through 24 are UNIs and are shut down. Gigabit Ethernet ports 1 a nd 2 are NNIs and are enabled by
This is the overall sequence of configuration:
Shut down all active ports carrying the policy to be modified.
Detach the output policy from all ports to which it is attac hed.
Make modifications to the output policy.