Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter32 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring BGP
To delete a prefix list and all of its entries, use the no ip prefix-list list-name global configuration
command. To delete an entry from a prefix list, use the no ip prefix-list seq seq-value global
configuration command. To disable automatic generation of sequence numbers, use the no ip prefix-list
sequence number command; to reenable automatic generation, use the ip prefix-list sequence number
command. To clear the hit-count table of prefix list entries, use the clear ip pr efix-list privileged EXEC
Configuring BGP Community Filtering
One way that BGP controls the distribution of routing information based on the value of the
COMMUNITIES attribute. The attribute is a way to groups destinations into communiti e s and to apply
routing decisions based on the communities. This method simplifies configuration of a BGP speaker to
control distribution of routing information.
A community is a group of destinations that share some common attribute. Each destination c an belong
to multiple communities. AS administrators can define to which communities a destination belongs. By
default, all destinations belong to the general Internet community. The community is identified by the
COMMUNITIES attribute, an optional, transitive, global attribute in the numerical range from
1 to4 2949 672 00. T hes e a re so me p re defined, we ll-known c ommun itie s:
internet—Advertise this route to the Internet community. All routers belong to it.
no-export—Do not advertise this route to EBGP peers.
no-advertise—Do not advertise this route to any peer (internal or external).
local-as—Do not advertise this route to peers outside the local autonomous system.
Based on the community, you can control which routing information to accept, prefer, or distribute to
other neighbors. A BGP speaker can set, append, or modify the community of a route when learning,
advertising, or redistributing routes. When routes ar e a ggr egated, t h e re su lt ing ag gregate h as a
COMMUNITIES attribute that contains all communities from all the initial routes.
You can use community lists to create groups of communities to use in a match clause of a route map.
As with an access list, a series of community lists can be created. Statements are checked until a match
is found. As soon as one statement is satisfied, the test is concluded.
To set the COMMUNITIES attribute and match clauses based on communities, see the match
community-list and set community route-map configuration commands in the “Using Route Maps to
Redistribute Routing Information” section on page 32-73.
By default, no COMMUNITIES attribute is sent to a neighbor. You can specify that the COMMUNITIES
attribute be sent to the neighbor at an IP address by using the neighbor send-community router
configuration command.
Step4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step5 show ip prefix list [detail | summary] name
[network/len] [seq seq-num] [longer]
Verify the configuration by displaying information about a prefix list
or prefix list entries.
Step6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose