Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter9 Configuring Interface Characteristics
Using Interface Configuration Mode
Configuring and Using Interface Range Macros
You can create an interface range macro to automatically select a range of interfaces for configuration.
Before you can use the macro keyword in the interface range macro global configuration command
string, you must use the define interface-range global configuration comm a nd to d efine th e m a cro.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to define an interface range macro:
Use the no define interface-range macro_name global configuration command to delete a macro.
When using the define interface-range global configuration command, note these guidelines:
Valid entries for interface-range:
vlan vlan-ID - vlan-ID, where the VLAN ID is 1 to 4094
fastethernet module/{first port} - {last port}, where the module is always 0
gigabitethernet module/{first port} - { last port}, where the module is always 0
port-channel port-channel-number - port-channel-number, where the port-channel-number
is 1 to 48.
Note When you use the interface ranges with port channels, the first and last port channel
number must be active port channels.
You must add a space between the first interface number and the hyphen when entering an
interface-range. For example, gigabitethernet0/1- 2 is a valid range; gigabitethernet0/1-2 is not
a valid range.
The VLAN interfaces must have been configured with the interface vlan command. The show
running-config privileged EXEC command displays the configured VLAN interfaces. VLA N
interfaces not displayed by the show running-config command cannot be used as interface-ranges.
Command Purpose
Step1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step2 define interface-range macro_name
interface-range Define the interface-range macro, and save it in NVRAM.
The macro_name is a 32-character maximum character string.
A macro can contain up to five comma-separated interfa ce ranges.
Each interface-range must consist of the same port type.
Step3 no shutdown Enable the port, if necessary. By default, UNIs are disabled, and NNIs
are enabled.
Step4 interface range macro macro_name Select the interface range to be configured using the values saved in
the interface-range macro called macro_name.
You can now use the normal configuration commands to apply the
configuration to all interfaces in the defined macro.
Step5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step6 show running-config | include define Show the defined interface range macro configuration.
Step7 copy running-config startup-config (O ptional) Save your entri es in the co nfiguration file.