Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter30 Configuring QoS Displaying QoS Information
Displaying QoS Information
To display QoS information, use one or more of the privileged EXEC commands in Tab le 30-2 . For
explanations about available keywords, see the command reference for thi s rel eas e.

QoS Statistics

There are several ways to display QoS input and output policy-map statistics.
For input policy maps, you can use the show policy-map interface [interface-id] privileged EXEC
command to display per-class per-policer conform and exceed statistics. Po lice r con for m st atis tics are
the number of packets that conform to the configured policer profile; policer exceed statistics are the
number of packets that exceed the configured policer profile. The switch does not support per-class
classification statistics, but you can determine these statistics b y conf i guring polic ing at line rat e for th e
class. In this case, no packets exceed the configured policer profile, and t he p ol icer c onform st at istic s
would equal the class classification statistics.
Another way to view input QoS statistics is in the output of the show platform qos statistics interface
[interface-id] privileged EXEC command. The per-port frame statistics are sorted by the DSCP and CoS
values of the incoming frames on the port. These statistics do not provide any information about the
MQC input policy map configured on the interface.
For output policy maps, you can use the show policy-map interface [interface-id] command to display
per-class classification statistics that show the total number of packets that match the specified class.
This count includes the total number of packets that are sent and dropped for tha t class. You can use the
same command to view the per-class tail drop statistics.
Table30-2 Commands for Displaying Standard QoS Information
Command Purpose
show class-map [class-map-name] Display QoS class-map information for all class maps or the
specified class map.
show policer aggregate [aggregate-policer-name] Display information about all aggregate policers or the specified
aggregate policer.
show policy-map [policy-map-name | interface
[interface-id] [input | output] [class class-name]] Display QoS policy map information for the specified policy
map name, interface, input or output policy maps, or policy-map
show running-config Display the configured class maps, policy maps, table maps, and
aggregate policers.
show table-map [table-map-name] Display information for all configured table maps or the
specified table map.