Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter26 Configuring System Message Logging
Configuring System Message Logging
Configuring System Message Logging
These sections contain this configuration information:
System Log Message Format, page 26-2
Default System Message Logging Configuration, page 26-3
Disabling Message Logging, page 26-3 (optional)
Setting the Message Display Destination Device, page 26-4 (optional)
Synchronizing Log Messages, page 26-5 (optional)
Enabling and Disabling Time Stamps on Log Messages, page 26-7 (optional)
Enabling and Disabling Sequence Numbers in Log Messages, page 26-7 (optional)
Defining the Message Severity Level, page 26-8 (optional)
Limiting Syslog Messages Sent to the History Table and to SNMP, page 26-9 (optional)
Configuring UNIX Syslog Servers, page 26-10 (optional)

System Log Message Format

System log messages can contain up to 80 characters a nd a percent sign (%), which follows the optional
sequence number or time-stamp information, if configured. Messages appear in this form at:
seq no:timestamp: %facility-severity-MNEMONIC:description
The part of the message preceding the percent sign depends on the setting of the service
sequence-numbers, service timestamps log datetime, service timestamps log datetime [localtime]
[msec] [show-timezone], or service timestamps log uptime global configuration command.
Table26-1 describes the elemen ts of syslog messag es.
Table26-1 System Log Message Elements
Element Description
seq no: Stamps log messages with a sequence number only if the service sequence-numbers global
configuration command is configured.
For more information, see the “Enabling and Disabling Sequence Numbe rs in L og M ess ag es”
section on page 26-7.
timestamp formats:
mm/dd hh:mm:ss
hh:mm:ss (short uptime)
d h (long uptime)
Date and time of the message or event. This information appears only if the service timestamps
log [datetime | log] global configuration command is configured.
For more information, see the “Enabling and Disabling Time Stamps on Log Messages” se ctio n
on page 26-7.
facility The facility to which the message refers (for example, SNMP, SYS, and so forth). For a list of
supported facilities, see Table26-4 on page 26-11.
severity Single-digit code from 0 to 7 that is the severity of the message. For a descr ipti on of th e severity
levels, see Table26-3 on page 26-9.