Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter21 Configuring Port-Based Tra ffic Control Configuring Port Security
When you enter a maximum secure address value for an interf a ce, an d th e new value is greater than
the previous value, the new value overwrites the previous ly configured v alue. If the ne w v alue is less
than the previous value and the number of configured secure addresses o n the in ter f ac e e x ce ed s the
new value, the command is rejected.
The switch does not support port security aging of sticky secure MAC addresses.
Table21-3 summarizes port security compatibility with other port-based features.
Enabling and Configuring Port Security
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to restrict input to an interface by limiting and
identifying MAC addresses of the stations allowed to access the port:
Table21-3 Port Security Compatibility with Other Switch Features
Type of Port or Feature on Port Compatible with
Port Security
Trunk port Yes
Dynamic-access port (a VLAN Query Protocol [VQP] p ort co nfigured w ith the
switchport access vlan dynamic interface configuration command) No
Routed port No
SPAN source port Yes
SPAN destination port No
EtherChannel No
Tunneling port Yes
Protected port Yes
802.1x port Yes
Private VLAN port No
IP source guard Yes
Dynamic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) inspection Yes
Flex Links Yes
Command Purpose
Step1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step2 interface interface-id Specify the interface to be configured, and enter interface configuration
Step3 no shutdown Enable the port, if necessary. By default, UNIs are disabled, and NNIs are
Step4 switchport mode {access | trunk} Set the interface switchport mode as access or trunk; an interface in the
default mode (dynamic auto) cannot be configured as a se cure port.
Step5 switchport port-security Enable port security on the interface.