Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
AppendixC Unsupported Comm and s in CiscoIOS Release1 2 .2(25)EX Interface Commands
Interface Commands
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
show interfaces [interface-id | vlan vlan-id] [crb | fair-queue | irb | mac-accounting | precedence | irb
| random-detect | rate-limit | shape]
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
interface tunnel
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
transmit-interface type number
IP Multicast Routing
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
clear ip rtp header-compression [type number]
clear ip dvmrp route commands
debug ip dvmrp commands
The debug ip packet command displays packets rece iv ed b y the swi tch CPU. It do es not displ ay pac kets
that are hardware-switched.
The debug ip mcache command affects packets received by the switch CPU. It does not display packets
that are hardware-switched.
The debug ip mpacket [detail] [access-list-number [group-name-or-address] command affects only
packets received by the switch CPU. Because most multicast packets are hardware-switched, use this
command only when you know that the route will forward the packet to the CPU.
debug ip pim atm
show frame-relay ip rtp header-compression [interface type number]
show ip dvmrp route commands
The show ip mcache command displays entries in the cache for those packets that ar e sent to the switch
CPU. Because most multicast packets are switched in hardware without CPU involvement, you can use
this command, but multicast packet information is not displayed.
The show ip mpacket commands are supported but are only useful for packets re ceived at th e switc h
CPU. If the route is hardware-switched, the command has no effect bec ause the C PU doe s not rece ive
the packet and cannot display it.
show ip pim vc [group-address | name] [type number]
show ip rtp header-compression [type number] [detail]