Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter34 Configuring IP Multicast Routing
Configuring IP Multicast Routing
This example shows a sample configuration on an Auto-RP mapping agent that i s us ed to prevent
candidate RP announcements from being accepted from unauthorized candidate RPs:
Switch(config)# ip pim rp-announce-filter rp-list 10 group-list 20
Switch(config)# access-list 10 permit host
Switch(config)# access-list 10 permit host
Switch(config)# access-list 20 deny
Switch(config)# access-list 20 permit
In this example, the mapping agent accepts candidate RP a nnou ncem en ts from o nl y two devices, and The mapping agent accepts ca ndid ate RP an nou nc em ent s f rom the se two
devices only for multicast groups that fall in the group range of to The
mapping agent does not accept candidate RP announcement s from a ny othe r devices i n the network.
Furthermore, the mapping agent does not accept candidate RP anno unc em ent s from 1 72. 16.5. 1
or if the announcements are for any groups in the through range .
This range is the administratively scoped address range.
Configuring PIMv2 BSR
These sections describe how to set up BSR in your PIMv2 network:
Defining the PIM Domain Border, page 34-16 (optional)
Defining the IP Multicast Boundary, page 34-17 (optional)
Configuring Candidate BSRs, page 34-18 (optional)
Configuring Candidate RPs, page 34-19 (optional)
For overview information, see the “Bootstrap Router” section on page34-5.

Defining the PIM Domain Border

As IP multicast becomes more widespread, the chan ce of one PIMv2 domain bordering another PIMv2
domain is increasing. Because these two domains probably do no t shar e the same se t o f R Ps, BSR,
candidate RPs, and candidate BSRs, you need to constrain PIM v2 BSR me ssage s f rom f lowing into o r
out of the domain. Allowing these messages to leak across the domain borders could adversely affect the
normal BSR election mechanism and elect a single BSR a cr oss al l b ord er ing dom ains a nd co-m in gle
candidate RP advertisements, resulting in the election of RPs in the wrong domain.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to define the PIM domain bor der. This
procedure is optional.
Command Purpose
Step1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step2 interface interface-id Specify the interface to be configured, and enter interface configuration
Step3 no shutdown Enable the port, if necessary. By default, UNIs are disabled, and NNIs
are enabled.
Step4 ip pim bsr-border Define a PIM bootstrap message boundary for the PIM domain.
Enter this command on each interface that connects to other bordering
PIM domains. This command instructs the switch to neither send or
receive PIMv2 BSR messages on this interface as shown in Figure34-2.
Step5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.