Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
QoS (continued)
packet classification 30-2
packet marking 30-16
packet policing 30-2
parent-child hierarchy 30-20
configuring 30-37, 30-40, 30-51
described 30-12
aggregate 30-14
described 30-2, 30-12
individual 30-13
priority 30-15
policy maps
attaching 30-35
attaching to an interface 30-15
displaying statistics 30-55
port shaping, described 30-20
preconfiguration 30-26
priority policing, described 30-15
priority with police 30-22
queue size 30-24
scheduling 30-18
CBWFQ 30-18
priority queuing 30-18
traffic shaping 30-18
strict priority queuing 30-22
supported table maps 30-12
support for 1-6
table maps 30-11
traffic shaping, described 30-19
unconditional priority policing 30-22
WTD 30-24
QoS groups
classification 30-10
described 30-5, 30-10
QoS information, displaying 30-55
quality of service
See QoS
queries, IGMP 20-3
query solicitation, IGMP 20-11
queue bandwidth and queue size, relationship 30-25
queue-limit command, QoS 30-24, 30-25, 30-53
queue size, QoS, managing 30-24
vendor-proprietary 7-31
vendor-specific 7-29
accounting 7-28
authentication 7-23
authorization 7-27
communication, global 7-21, 7-29
communication, per-server 7-20, 7-21
multiple UDP ports 7-21
default configuration 7-20
defining AAA server groups 7-25
displaying the configuration 7-31
identifying the server 7-20
limiting the services to the user 7-27
method list, defined 7-20
operation of 7-19
overview 7-18
suggested network environments 7-18
support for 1-6
tracking services accessed by user 7-28
macro 9-10
of interfaces 9-8
rapid convergence 15-7
rapid per-VLAN spanning-tree plus
See rapid PVST+