Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter11 Configuring VLANs Creating and Modifying VLANs
Configuring UNI VLANs
By default, every VLAN created on the switch is a UNI isolated VLAN. You can change the
configuration to UNI community VLAN or to a private VLAN or RSPAN VLAN. For procedures for
configuring private VLANs or RSPAN VLANs, see Chapter12 , “Co nfigurin g Pr ivate VLANs” an d
Chapter 24, “Configuring SPAN and RSPAN.”
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to change the type of a UNI VLAN:
Use the no uni-vlan VLAN configuration command to return to the default (UNI isolated VLAN).
Entering uni-vlan isolated command has the same effect as entering the no uni-vlan VLAN
configuration command. The show vlan and show vlan vlan-id privileged EXEC commands also display
UNI VLAN information, but only UNI community VLANs appear. To display both isolated and
community VLANs, use the show vlan uni-vlan type command.
Command Purpose
Step1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step2 vlan vlan-id Enter a VLAN ID, and enter VLAN configuration mode. Enter a new VLAN
ID to create a VLAN, or enter an existing VLAN ID to modify that VLAN.
By default, the VLAN is a UNI isolated VLAN.
Note The available VLAN ID range for this command is 1 to 4094.
Step3 uni-vlan {community | isolated} Configure the UNI VLAN type.
Enter community to change from the default to a UNI com mun ity
Enter isolated to return to the default UNI isolated VLAN.
Note VLAN 1 is always a UNI isolated VLAN; you cannot con figure
VLAN 1 as a UNI community VLAN. The reserved VLANs 1002 to
1005 are not Ethernet VLANs.
Step4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step5 show vlan uni-vlan [type] Display UNI VLAN information. Enter type (optional) to see only the
VLAN ID and type of UNI VLAN.
Step6 copy running-config startup config (Optional) Save the configuration in the switch startup configuration file.