Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter14 Configuring STP Understanding Spanning-Tree Features

Forwarding State

A Layer 2 interface in the forwarding state forwards frames. The interface enters the forwa rding sta te
from the learning state.
An interface in the forwarding state performs these functions:
Receives and forwards frames received on the interface
Forwards frames switched from another interface
Learns addresses
Receives BPDUs

Disabled State

A Layer 2 interface in the disabled state does not particip ate in frame forwarding or in the spanning tree.
An interface in the disabled state is nonoperational.
A disabled interface performs these functions:
Discards frames received on the interface
Discards frames switched from another interface for forwar ding
Does not learn addresses
Does not receive BPDUs
How a Switch or Port Becomes the Root Switch or Root Port
If all switches in a network are enabled with default spanning-tree settings, the switch with the lowest
MAC address becomes the root switch. In Figure14-2, Switch A is elected as the root switch because
the switch priority of all the switches is set to the default (32768) and Switch A has the lowest MAC
address. However, because of traffic patterns, number of forwarding interfaces, or link types, Switch A
might not be the ideal root switch. By increasing the priority (lowering the numerical value) of the ideal
switch so that it becomes the root switch, you force a spanning-tree recalculation to form a new topology
with the ideal switch as the root.
Figure14-2 Spanning-Tree Topology
RP = Root Port
DP = Designated Port