Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
AppendixB Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images Working with Configuration Files
Step3 Log into the switch through the console port or a Telnet session.
Step4 Download the configuration file from the TFTP server to configure the switch.
Specify the IP address or hostname of the TFTP server and the name of the file to download.
Use one of these privileged EXEC commands:
copy tftp:[[[//location]/directory]/filename] system:running-config
copy tftp:[[[//location]/directory]/filename] nvram:startup-config
The configuration file downloads, and the commands are executed as the file is parsed line-by-line.
This example shows how to configure the software from the file tokyo-confg at IP address172.16.2.155:
Switch# copy tftp:// system:running-config
Configure using tokyo-confg from [confirm] y
Booting tokyo-confg from!!! [OK - 874/16000 bytes]

Uploading the Configuration File By Using TFTP

To upload a configuration file from a switch to a TFTP server for storage, follow these steps:
Step1 Verify that the TFTP server is properly conf igured b y refer ring to the “Preparing to Download or Upload
a Configuration File By Using TFTP” section on page B-10.
Step2 Log into the switch through the console port or a Telnet session.
Step3 Upload the switch configuration to the TFTP server. Specify the IP address or hostname of the TFTP
server and the destination filename.
Use one of these privileged EXEC commands:
copy system:running-config tftp:[[[//location]/directory]/filename]
copy nvram:startup-config tftp:[[[//location]/directory]/filename]
The file is uploaded to the TFTP server.
This example shows how to upload a configuration file from a switch to a TFTP server:
Switch# copy system:running-config tftp://
Write file tokyo-confg on host [confirm] y
Writing tokyo-confg!!! [OK]
Copying Configuration Files By Using FTP
You can copy configuration files to or from an FTP server.
The FTP protocol requires a client to send a remote userna me a nd passwor d on ea ch FTP re quest to a