Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
Radio Interface Faults
Table | Access Point Faults (continued) |
| |
| |
Fault Description | Explanation | Related Setting | Recommended Action | |
WEP is disabled |
| WEP is not enabled for the VLAN | Manage Fault | Make sure you have set the policy |
| defined on the access point. (Note | Settings > Access | correctly for the VLAN. |
| that the VLAN number is displayed | Point/Bridge |
| in the Type column under Faults > | Policies > WEP per |
| Display Faults.) | Vlan |
| When the fault is cleared, the |
| following message displays: WEP is |
| enabled. |
WLSE failed to |
| Authentication required to open a | Manage Fault | Verify that the WLSE credentials used |
authenticate with WDS. | WLCCP channel between the WLSE | Settings > WDS > | to authenticate with the WDS are | |
| and the WDS failed. | Authentication | correct. |
| Failures | For more information, see the |
| |
| managing devices information in the |
| online help or the User Guide for the |
| CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution |
| Engine, Release 2.13. |
Radio Interface Faults
Table | Radio Interface Faults |
| |
| |
Fault Description | Explanation | Related Setting | Recommended Action | |
| |
AP is in a Degraded | The fault threshold set for the | Manage Fault | Verify that the fault threshold is set | |
state number associated | degraded state has been exceeded. | Settings > | correctly. | |
clients |
| When this fault is cleared, the | If the threshold is set correctly, | |
| Thresholds > | ||
| following message displays: AP is | review your network to determine the | |
| in OK state. | Associated Clients | action necessary to clear the fault |
| ||
| condition. |
| |
AP is in an Overloaded | The fault threshold set for the | Manage Fault | Verify that the fault threshold is set | |
state number associated | overloaded state has been | Settings > Thresholds | correctly. | |
clients |
| exceeded. | > Access Point > | If the threshold is set correctly, |
| Associated Clients | |
| When this fault is cleared, the | review your network to determine the | |
| ||
| following message displays: AP is |
| action necessary to clear the fault |
| in OK state. |
| condition. |
FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
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