Chapter 1 FAQs and Troubleshooting
Deployment Wizard Troubleshooting
Symptom After performing certain operations on the WLSE, such as clicking Apply in the Display Faults page, then clicking the client browser Refresh button, a
Possible Cause The browser Refresh button was used.
Recommended Action Avoid using the Refresh button on the browser. Instead, use the navigational tools provided by the WLSE user interface. If either of the following messages display, click Cancel: on Internet Explorer, “The page cannot be refreshed without resending the information. Click Retry to send the information again, or click Cancel to return to the page that you are trying to view;” and on Firefox, “The page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA. If you resend the data, any action the form carried out (such as search or online purchase) will be repeated. To resend the data, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Symptom The Web interface of the WLSE is not available, but you can log in to the CLI.
Possible Cause The SNMP community file may be corrupted.
Recommended Action See the reset
Deployment Wizard Troubleshooting
Symptom An error message displays when I try to access the Wizard.
Possible Cause You may not have the appropriate roles and privileges assigned to your login.
Recommended Action Select Admin > User Admin > Manage Roles, and make sure that both the Wizard > WLSE Wizard and Configure > Auto Update options are checked.
Symptom An error message displays when I try to create an
Possible Cause The subnet that you selected is already used in another
Recommended Action Delete the
FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
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