Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
Access Point /Bridge Faults
Access Point /Bridge Faults
Table | Access Point Faults |
| |
| |
Fault Description | Explanation | Related Setting | Recommended Action | |
| |
Access point ssid | An access point that was previously | IDS > Manage | Use the fault details page to mark it | |
reclassified from | determined to be Friendly has been | friendly if the AP is known, or to | ||
Friendly to Rogue due | reclassified to Rogue: | Settings > Rogue | delete it from the WLSE database if it | |
to rule |
| ssid is the Service Set Identifier of | AP Detection > | is an unknown AP. |
| Friendly to Rogue |
| |
| the unmanaged radio’s BSS. |
| |
| AP Reclassification |
| |
| rule is one of the following: |
| |
| or |
| |
| • Change in RSSI ordering |
| |
| IDS > Manage |
| |
| between observers |
| |
| Rogues |
| |
| The estimated proximity of the |
| |
| |
| unmanaged radio between two |
| observers has |
| WLSE thought that observer A |
| was closer to radio R than |
| observer B, it now thinks that |
| observer B is closer to radio R |
| than observer A. |
| • Difference in relative RSSI |
| between original and current |
| observers exceeded threshold |
| While radio R’s strength |
| changed by factor M between |
| observer A and observer B, it |
| changed by factor M+T between |
| observer B and observer C. That |
| is, it does not |
| |
Access point ssid | appear that radio R’s change in |
| |
reclassified from | strength is merely due to a |
| |
Friendly to Rogue due | change in its power |
| |
to rule |
| configuration. |
(continued) |
| • Fewer than two observers |
| • Too long without any |
| observations |
| |
AP CPU utilization is | The fault threshold set for the | Manage Fault | Verify that the fault threshold is set | |
Degraded |
| degraded state has been exceeded. | Settings > Access | correctly. |
(utilization %) |
| When this fault has been cleared, the | Point/Bridge | If the threshold is set correctly, review |
| following message displays: AP CPU | Thresholds > CPU | your network to determine the action |
| utilization is Ok. | Utilization | necessary to clear the fault condition. |
| ||
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