Chapter 1 FAQs and Troubleshooting
Firmware FAQs and Troubleshooting
Symptom When uploading an image to an access point from a from a remote TFTP server, the access point reports an Invalid checksum error or Unknown failure.
Possible Cause The image filename entered in the job does not match the image filename on the remote TFTP server.
Recommended Action Make sure the filenames on the job and on the server are the same.
Possible Cause The selected image and the selected devices are of different device types. For example, if an AP1100 image and the BR1300 device type are chosen.
Recommended Action Make sure the selected image and the selected devices are of same type.
Symptom There is a time discrepancy in a job.
Possible Cause The time was not set correctly on the WLSE.
Recommended Action
a.Reset the WLSE time to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) using CLI commands as follows: Enter services stop to stop services.
Enter the clock command to reset the time. Enter services start to restart the services.
b.Set the time in local browser time, select Admin > Appliance > Time/NTP/Name.
For more information on setting the time, see the User Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine, Release 2.13. You can access a PDF version of this guide by clicking View PDF in the WLSE’s online help.
Symptom Email about job completion fails to arrive at destination.
Possible Cause The SMTP server is not specified.
Recommended Action Configure the mail route by selecting Admin > Appliance > Configure
Symptom Firmware is not updated on all the devices included in a job.
Possible Cause There were warnings displayed when the job was saved. Jobs for devices with warnings do not run; the job runs only for devices that do not have any warnings.
Recommended Action Solve the problems indicated in the warning messages before running the job.
Possible Cause If two firmware jobs were scheduled closely together, the second job contained some of the same devices as the first job. Those devices could not be updated because the first job was already running.
Recommended Action It is recommended that firmware jobs be run on groups of devices. Each group should be exclusive; that is, no device should be a member of more than one group.
FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
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