ATM(config−if)#lane config database ELAN2
Verifying the LECS Configuration

Verify the proper setup with the following command:

ATM#show lane config
LE Config Server ATM0 config table: ELAN2
Admin: up State: operational
LECS Mastership State: active master
list of global LECS addresses (58 seconds to update):
ATM Address of this LECS: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.
00100DAACC43.00 (auto)
vcd rxCnt txCnt callingParty
11 1 1 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00100DAACC41.01
LES default 0
cumulative total number of unrecognized packets received so far: 0
cumulative total number of config requests received so far: 3
cumulative total number of config failures so far: 1
cause of last failure: no configuration
culprit for the last failure: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.