Figure 5.4: An example of an external router routing interVLAN traffic.
Configuring a Static VLAN on a Catalyst 5000 Series Switch
The Cisco Catalyst 2900G series, 5000 family, and 6000 family of switches use the Cisco Set/Clear−based
CLI. It is important to understand the difference between the Catalyst 5000 series VLAN configuration and
the Enterprise IOS edition that runs on the other series of Cisco switches, which use an IOS−based VLAN
The command used to configure a VLAN on a Catalyst 5000 switch is as follows:
set vlan [vlan number] [slot/port(s)]
By default, all VLANs are in VLAN 1. Let’s place the module in slot 2 with a port number of 3 in VLAN 2:
Catalyst5002> (enable) set vlan 2 2/3
VLAN 3 modified.
VLAN 1 modified.
VLAN Mod/Ports
—— ———————————
2 2/3
You should notice that although only one port was placed in VLAN 3, the port was in VLAN 1 to begin with,
so both VLANs are updated.
Configuring Multiple VLANs on a Catalyst 5000 Series Switch
You can configure multiple consecutive ports on a module at one time. You do this by using the same
command as in the previous section (set vlan) but identifying the beginning and ending port numbers,
separated by a hyphen:
Catalyst5002> (enable) set vlan 2 2/1−3
VLAN 3 modified.
VLAN 2 modified.
VLAN 1 modified.
VLAN Mod/Ports
—— ———————————
2 2/1−3
Tip The set vlan command allows you create both the VLAN and the ports assigned to the VLAN at
the same time.
Creating VLANs on a Catalyst 1900EN Series
When you first turn on the Cisco 1912 or 1924EN series switch, you will see a screen asking you to choose an
interface. Choose K from the initial user interface menu to get into IOS configuration:
1 user(s) now active on Management Console.