multiple physical topologies, restricting broadcasts, and providing network security. Using switches and
routers together, you can integrate large networks and provide a high level of performance without sacrificing
the benefits of either technology.
Entering and Exiting Privileged EXEC Mode
After the switch has gone through the power on self test (POST), it will come to a User EXEC mode prompt
with the hostname and an angle bracket as shown here, assuming no password has been configured:
To enter Privileged EXEC mode, use the following command. You will notice that the prompt changes to
indicate that you are in Privileged EXEC mode:
To exit Privileged Exec mode and return to User EXEC mode, use the disable command.
Entering and Exiting Global Configuration Mode
From Privileged EXEC mode, you can enter Global Configuration mode by using the following command.
Notice again that the prompt changes for each successive mode:
Switch>(enable)configure terminal
To exit Global Configuration mode and return to Privileged Exec mode, you can use the end or exit
command, or press Ctrl+Z.
Entering and Exiting Interface Configuration Mode
To configure an interface, you must enter Interface Configuration mode. From the Global Configuration mode
command prompt, use the following command. You must specify the interface and number; this example
configures the Ethernet 0 port:
Switch(config)#interface e0
To exit to Global Configuration mode, use the exit command or press Ctrl+Z.
Entering and Exiting Subinterface Configuration Mode
To configure a subinterface on an interface, use the following command. You must specify the interface and
the subinterface, separated by a decimal; the second number identifies the subinterface: