| through Web | (Username: |
| <username>, IP: |
| <ipaddr>, MAC: |
| <macaddr>) |
35 |
| Login failed through | Login failed through | Warning |
| Web | Web (Username: |
| <username>, IP: |
| <ipaddr>, MAC: |
| <macaddr>) |
| V |
36 |
| Logout through | Logout through Web | Informational |
| Web | (Username: |
| <username>, IP: |
| <ipaddr>, MAC: |
| <macaddr>) |
| V |
37 |
| Web session timed | Web session timed out | Informational |
| out | (Username: |
| <username>, IP: |
| <ipaddr>, MAC: |
| <macaddr>) |
| V |
42 | Telnet | Successful login | Successful login | Informational |
| through Telnet | through Telnet |
| (Username: |
| <username>, IP: |
| <ipaddr>, MAC: |
| <macaddr>) |
| V |
43 |
| Login failed through | Login failed through | Warning |
| Telnet | Telnet (Username: |
| <username>, IP: |
| <ipaddr>, MAC: |
| <macaddr>) |
| V |
44 |
| Logout through | Logout through Telnet | Informational |
| Telnet | (Username: |
| <username>, IP: |
| <ipaddr>, MAC: |
| <macaddr>) |
| V |
45 |
| Telnet session | Telnet session timed | Informational |
| timed out | out (Username: |
| <username>, IP: |
| <ipaddr>, MAC: |
| <macaddr>) |
| V |
46 | SNMP | SNMP request | SNMP request received | Informational |
| received with | from <ipAddress> with |
| invalid community | invalid community |
| string | string! |
47 | STP | Topology changed | Topology changed | Informational |
48 |
| New Root selected | New Root selected | Informational |
50 |
| Spanning Tree | Spanning Tree Protocol | Informational |
| Protocol is enabled | is enabled |
51 |
| Spanning Tree | Spanning Tree Protocol | Informational |
| Protocol is disabled | is disabled |
124 | Port security | Port security is | Port security violation | Warning |
| exceeded to its | (Port: <unitID: |
| maximum learning | portNum>, MAC: |
| size and will not | <macaddr>) |
| learn any new |
| address |