Relay Rule
The relay rule is specified to determine that the relay server is based on option 61. When option_61 is enabled, if the packet does not have option 61, then the relay servers cannot be determined based on option 61. If relay servers are determined based on option 60, and one relay server is determined based on option 61, the final relay servers will be the union of these two sets of servers. If the relay servers are determined based on option 60 or option 61, then per IPIF configured servers will be ignored. If the relay servers are not determined either by option 60 or option 61, then per IPIF configured servers will be used to determine the relay servers.
Drop – When drop is specified, the packet with no matching rules found will be dropped without further process.
Relay – When relay is specified the packet will be processed further based on option 61.
Click Apply to implement changes made. To return to the DHCP Relay Option 61 Table, click the Show DHCP Relay Option 61 Table link.