NOTE: The CLEAR COUNTER action only resets the counters for the statistics display; the underly- ing counters (i.e., MIB variables) are not cleared.
Displaying Segment Statistics
The hub stack collects network transmission statistics for each segment in the stack. You can choose to view them from the Statistics menu, accessible under the Network Monitoring menu.
♦StatsPkts. This statistic displays the number of packets received from the network, including error packets.
♦BroadcastPkts. This statistics counts the number of good broadcast packets received on the segment.
♦MulticastPkts. This statistics counts the number of good multicast packets received on the segment.
♦CRCAlignErrors. This statistic counts the number of valid length packets (64 to 1518 bytes) that had a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS).
♦UndersizePkts. This statistic counts the number of
♦OversizePkts. This statistic counts the number of
♦Fragments. This statistic counts the number of
♦Jabbers. This statistic counts the number of jabber events on the segment.
64 | Master Hub Setup and Management |