val. Note that this number is not necessarily the number of packets dropped, it is just the number of times this condition has been detected.
♦Octets The total number of octets of data (including those in bad pack- ets) received on the network (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
♦Packets The number of packets (including bad packets) received dur- ing this sampling interval.
♦Broadcast The number of good packets received during this sampling interval that were directed to the broadcast address.
♦Multicast The number of good packets received during this sampling interval that were directed to a multicast address. Note that this number does not include packets addressed to the broadcast address.
♦CRC Align The number of packets received during this sampling in- terval that had a length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
♦Undersize The number of packets received during this sampling inter- val that were less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
♦Oversize The number of packets received during this sampling interval that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) but were otherwise well formed.
♦Fragment The total number of packets received during this sampling interval that were less than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non- integral number of octets (Alignment Error). Note that it is entirely nor- mal for History Fragments to increment. This is because it counts both runts (which are normal occurrences due to collisions) and noise hits.
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