Out-of-Band Management and Console Settings
You can use the Out-of-Band/Console Setting menu to choose whether to use
the hub RS-232 serial port for console management or for out-of-band TCP/IP communication using SLIP, and to set the baud rate used for SLIP communications.
The following fields can be set:
♦System Restart Out-of-Band Baud Rate. This parameter determin- es the serial port baud rate that will be used the next time the hub is restarted. It applies only when the serial port is being used for out-of- band (SLIP) management; it does not apply when the port is used as a console port. Available speeds are 1200, 2400, 9600, and 19200 bits per second.
♦Out-of-Band Dial Up Phone Number. This information is stored as a reference for the benefit of the system manager and does not cause the hub to dial out.
♦System Restart Serial Port Setting. This parameter determines
whether the serial port should be used for out-of-band (SLIP) man- agement or for console management, starting from the next time the hub is restarted. It can be set to either onsole” or ut-of-Band.”
Master Hub Setup and Management | 47 |