Chapter 4
| Message Number | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| • The receiver gives you three | • Wait a few minutes and then try again to enter the password. |
| chances to enter the correct | Note: The “time out” feature is designed to prevent someone |
| 074 | password. If you fail to do so, the | from trying password after password until he or she happens to |
| receiver “times out” and will not | guess the right one and so gains unauthorized access to the |
| |
| allow you to try again for several | receiver. |
| minutes. |
| • You may not have connected the | • Connect the receiver to an active telephone line. |
| receiver to an active telephone | Make sure that the telephone line to which you connect the |
| line. Or, the telephone line may | receiver is working properly. |
| be defective. | Note: To be able to order pay per view programs, you must |
| keep the receiver connected to an active telephone line at all |
| 078, 079, 080 |
| times. If your setup includes more than one receiver, this applies |
| to each receiver. The receiver uses the telephone line to make |
| |
| |
| information to the Customer Service Center. |
| • Maybe the receiver is connected | • Install a DSL filter between the receiver and the telephone |
| to a DSL (Digital Subscriber | wall jack. |
| Line) phone line. |
| • You may have set up the receiver | • If you want to reset the receiver to its factory default settings, |
| 093 | to reset itself back to the “factory | select the Yes option. If not, select the No option. |
| defaults,” that is, the settings it |
| |
| had when it was shipped from the |
| factory. |
Using the Remote Control
| What Is Happening | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| You cannot find the remote control. | • N/A | • Use the receiver front panel Control |
| Buttons to control the receiver until |
| you find the remote. If the remote |
| control is permanently lost or too |
| damaged to use, call the Service Center |
| to order a replacement. |
| When you press a button on the remote | • The remote control may be missing | • If the batteries are missing or dead, |
| control, the receiver does not do what you | batteries, the batteries may be | insert fresh |
| expect. | incorrectly placed in the remote, or the | If the remote has fresh batteries, check |
| batteries may be weak or dead. | whether they are placed according to the |
| label diagram. If not, remove them and |
| place correctly. |
| • You may be using the wrong remote | • Make sure you are using an IR remote to |
| control (IR only or IR/UHF Pro) for the | control a nearby TV or UHF Pro remote |
| TV you are trying to operate. | to control the receiver in another room. |
| Your (optional) IR/UHF Pro remote control | • You may be experiencing interference | • Make sure the UHF antenna is |
| does not work well from far away. | from objects near your receiver antenna. | connected to the receiver and not |
| touching anything else. |
| • Vary the tilt angle of the receiver's UHF |
| antenna. Locate the UHF antenna tip |
| away from other electronics equipment |
| or metal surfaces, even if separated by |
| wooden shelving. |
| • Move the receiver to different locations. |
| For best results, place the receiver as |
| high as possible, above all other |
| equipment in your entertainment center. |
| • Place the UHF antenna outside the |
| entertainment center by using a coaxial |
| cable to connect it to the receiver. |
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