Chapter 5








Message Number

Possible Reason

What to Do














• The receiver gives you three

• Wait a few minutes and then try again to enter the password.




chances to enter the correct

Note: The “time out” feature is designed to prevent someone




password. If you fail to do so, the

from trying password after password until he or she happens to



receiver “times out” and will not

guess the right one and so gains unauthorized access to the




allow you to try again for several















• You may have set up the receiver

• If you want to reset the receiver to its factory default settings,




to reset itself back to the “factory

select the Yes option. If not, select the No option.



defaults,” that is, the settings it





had when it was shipped from the















• You may not have connected the

• Connect the receiver to an active telephone line.




receiver to an active telephone

Make sure that the telephone line to which you connect the




line. Or, the telephone line may

receiver is working properly.




be defective.

Note: To be able to order pay per view programs, you must





keep the receiver connected to an active telephone line at all



587, 588


times. If your setup includes more than one receiver, this applies




to each receiver. The receiver uses the telephone line to make





toll-free calls, usually in the middle of the night, to send





information to the Customer Service Center.




• Maybe the receiver is connected

• Install a DSL filter between the receiver and the telephone




to a DSL (Digital Subscriber

wall jack.




Line) phone line.




















What’s Happening

What’s Wrong

What You Can Do








When you run Check Switch, you do not

• The DISH Pro Twin LNBF may not be

• Check all cable connections in your



see "Twin" identified as a Device or LNBF.

properly connected.

system and run Check Switch again.



All entries show "X"s.

• Cables may be too long, over 200 feet.

• Make sure cable length between





receiver and DISH Pro Twin does not





exceed 200 feet. Rerun check switch.




• Cables may not be rated for 2150 MHz.

• Make sure cable is rated for 2150 MHz.





Rerun check switch.




• You may have DISH Pro Adapter

• Remove the DISH Pro Adapter; this




installed on a DISH Pro receiver.

device is only for non-DISH Pro




• May have a non-DISH Pro switch or

receivers. Rerun check switch.




• Remove any non-DISH Pro switches/




LNBF or incompatible accessory

LNBs or incompatible accessory




device* in the system.

devices* from the system. All LNBs





and switches must be DISH Pro. Rerun





check switch.








When you run Check Switch, you see

• The DISH Pro Twin LNBF is connected

• Check the point dish/signal screen to



"Twin" identified as the Device/LNBF and

but no satellite signal is present.

confirm you have satellite signal. If not,



Satellite shows "Conn" but you do not see


check your dish antenna to ensure the



"Satellite Reception Verified".


DISH Pro Twin is installed properly, the





dish is pointed/peaked on the satellite





signal and there is nothing blocking the





signal path to the dish. Rerun check













When you run Check Switch, you see

• The DISH Pro Twin is connected but

• Check the cable path between the DISH



"Satellite Reception Verified" but you see

something in the system may be

Pro Twin and the receiver and remove



"Feed" instead of "Twin" identified as the

blocking the switch commands.

any incompatible accessory devices*.





Rerun check switch.








When you run Check Switch, you do not

• You may have DISH Pro Adapter

• Remove the DISH Pro Adapter; this



see "Twin" identified as a Device or LNBF,

installed on a DISH Pro receiver.

device is only for non-DISH Pro



but odd transponders are detected only on


receivers. Rerun check switch.



one satellite.

• May have a non-DISH Pro switch or

• Remove any non-DISH Pro switches/




LNBF in the system

LNBs from the system. All LNBs and





switches must be DISH Pro. Rerun





check switch.







Page 104

Page 108
Image 108
Dish Network Solo 351 manual Dish Pro Twin Lnbf, 074