Chapter 5
| What Is Happening | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| You use a pyramid type IR extender (not a | • The IR sensor on the extender that | • Make sure that the extender that |
| “mouse tail”), and it does not seem to work. | receives the remote control signals may | receives the signal from the remote |
| not be facing the remote control. | control is facing the right way, so that |
| The IR cable on the extender that sends | the IR sensor can receive the remote |
| the signal to the receiver may not be | control signals. |
| right in front of the IR sensor on the | • Make sure that the IR cable on the |
| receiver front panel. |
| |
| extender that sends the signal to the |
| |
| receiver is right in front of the IR sensor |
| on the receiver front panel, so that the |
| receiver IR sensor can receive the |
| signals. |
| • If doing the above does not solve the |
| problem, contact the manufacturer of |
| • You are using Remote Control 2 which | the extenders for assistance. |
| • Use a |
| |
| does not transmit IR signals. | with Remote Control 1 which uses IR |
| signals. |
| Your UHF Pro remote control does not | • You may be experiencing interference | • Make sure the UHF antenna is |
| work well from far away. | or strong signals from objects near your | connected to the receiver and not |
| receiver antenna. | touching anything else. |
| • Vary the tilt angle of the receiver's UHF |
| antenna. Locate the UHF antenna tip |
| away from other electronics equipment |
| or metal surfaces, even if separated by |
| wooden shelving. |
| • Move the receiver to different locations. |
| For best results, place the receiver as |
| high as possible, above all other |
| equipment in your entertainment center. |
| • Place the UHF antenna outside the |
| entertainment center by using a coaxial |
| cable to connect it to the receiver. |
| • Move any nearby |
| from the UHF remote antenna. Do not |
| place an |
| receiver. |
| • Use a 15dB attenuator provided in the |
| installation kit. Connect the attenuator |
| between the REMOTE ANTENNA |
| connection and the antenna. It may help |
| to use the attenuator with a coaxial cable |
| extension, as well. |
Hearing A Program
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| The receiver front panel | • You may have muted the sound, | • Check the volume level on the TV or audio device. Turn off the |
| TV1 and TV2 lights are on | or set the volume so low that you | mute or turn up the volume, as required. |
| and there is a good picture | cannot hear it. |
| on the TV set, but you do | • The audio connections may not |
| not hear any sound. | • Check the audio connectors and cables from the receiver to the |
| |
| be properly connected. |
| ||
| TV or the sound system. |
| |
| |
| • Check the TV speakers or the sound system. |
| You hear a foreign | • You may have set the receiver to | • Use the Alternate Audio Language menu to select the |
| language with a program. | an alternate audio language. | language that you prefer. |
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