Section 1 - Introduction
Important User Information
Read This Manual First
Before operating the Dual Servo Spin Welder, read this User’s Manual to become familiar with the system. This will ensure correct and safe operation. The manual is organized to allow you to learn how to safely operate this system. The examples given are chosen for their simplicity to illustrate basic setup procedures.
Notes and Tips
Throughout this manual we use NOTES to provide information that is important for the successful application and understanding of the system. A NOTE block is shown to the right.
Cautions and Warnings
In addition, we use special notices to make you aware of safety considerations. These are the CAUTION and WARNING blocks as shown here. They represent increasing levels of important information. These statements help you to identify and avoid hazards and recognize the consequences. Different symbols also accompany the CAUTION and WARNING blocks to indicate whether the notice pertains to a general condition or practice, an electrical safety issue, a hand protection issue or other condition.
Drawings and Tables
The figures and tables are identified by the section number followed by a sequence number. The sequence number begins with one in each section. The figures and tables are numbered separately. The figures use arabic sequence numbers (e.g. –1, –2, –3) while the tables use roman sequence numerals (e.g. –I, –II, –III). As an example, Figure 3–2 would be the second illustration in section three while Table 3—II would be the second table in section three.
NOTE statements provide additional in- formation or highlight procedures..
CAUTION statements iden- tify conditions or practices that could result in damage to the equipment or other property..
WARNING statements point out conditions or practices that could result in person- al injury or loss of life.
Condition | Electrical | Crush |
or Practice | Hazard | Hazard |
Dukane Manual Part No. | Page |