SpeedStream Router User Guide
you have configured a specific set of IP addresses for the DHCP server, then you change the Ethernet IP address to something that is on a different subnet than your DHCP server’s addresses, and you do not reboot, the router will not recognize the change. The DHCP server will not be able to hand out addresses. Be sure to reboot the router when you change the Ethernet IP address in this manner.
DNS (Domain Name Service)
The router supports Domain Name Service (DNS) that provides
DNS Resolver
The DNS resolver is the entity that creates a DNS request for transmission to a DNS server (which may be
The DNS resolver requires the user to configure a single DNS server IP address to which to direct DNS requests. This IP address may be the router itself in the situation where the DNS server is enabled on the router or it may be any reachable IP address at which a DNS server is available.
DNS Server
The DNS server is the entity that responds to DNS requests. The DNS server provides IP
The DNS server is enabled by default from the factory and provides the router with the default hostname
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
DSL describes a family of digital services provided by local telephone companies to local subscribers. There are many forms of DSL: Asymmetric DSL (DSL), Symmetric (or single pair) DSL (SDSL), and many others. The router supports DSL, which provides rates of up to 6 Mbps downstream from the customer and up to 640 Kbps upstream from the customer. DSL can carry voice and data signals at the same time in both directions.
Encapsulation Methods: PPP and RFC 1483
The 5600 series router transmits data via ATM Virtual Channels (VCs). The data is encapsulated using methods
ICSA 3.0a-compliancy
ICSA Labs, a division of TruSecure Corporation, tests and defines firewall security criteria, providing certification to products that meet their exacting standards. For more information, go to http://www.icsalabs.com/html/communities/firewalls/index.shtml.