SpeedStream Router User Guide
1.On the Profile Constant IP Address window, enter a new static IP address or change the current address.
2.To finish configuring this user profile, click Next.
Now that you have successfully configured the profile for this user, you can return to the Current Profiles window to configure another user; or you can continue with other configuration options.
•On the Finished window, click Next.
The Current Profiles window displays the new or updated user profile settings.
WAN Interface
►Setup WAN Interface
The WAN Interface Configuration Wizard guides you through the process of configuring wide area network (WAN) settings.
Important! Configuring the WAN interface is suggested for advanced users only.
The following navigation commands direct you through the steps for configuring the router WAN interface:
Return to the previous menu without updating information on current window.
Return to previous window.
Display next step in process.
Note You must click Next to continue. If you press your keyboard Enter key, one of two things may occur: the Current Profiles window displays without saving the information you entered, or an error message displays and directs you to return to the previous window.
Return to the updated Current Profiles window.