Operator’s Guide 131

The second line is the command that is performed whenever you use this batch file. Enter Ç by pressing the ALT key and entering 155 from the numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard. Data byte value 155 is also an ESC control code in Epson and IBM #1 character sets.

Enter ! by typing !. Enter ^A by pressing the ALT key and entering "1" from the numeric keypad. Data byte value 01 decimal is represented by an ^A on the screen, or occasionally by the smiley face.

The third line closes the file, saving it as named in Line 1. Enter ^Z by pressing the CTRL key and entering Z from the keyboard or by pressing function key F6.

Once the batch file is created, type the name of the file when you want to send the control command to select 12 pitch to the printer. Type the following at the DOS prompt:


The same command can be sent using the following BASIC program:

ASCII sequence:

BASIC program:


ESC ! <smiley face>

LPRINT CHR$(27);"!";CHR$(1);

BASIC program: LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);CHR$(&H21);CHR$(&H01);

where the prefix &H is used to denote hexadecimal numbers.

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Image 151
Epson 4100 manual Where the prefix &H is used to denote hexadecimal numbers