D-8 Appendix D—Character Sets



C u s to m



S u b s titu tio n s

S ta n d a r d






C h a r a c te r


M a p *




S ta n d a rd


M o d ifie d

C h a ra c te r


C h a r a c te r


S e t


S e t

S ta n d a rd *

Co n tro l C o d e M a p


D o w n lo a d e d


C h a ra c te r s

C h a r a c te r s

C h a ra c te rs


C u s to m C h a ra c te r s fro m H o s t


Note: Except for custom substitutions from the ROM character library, all mapping is done using either "Character Options" in the configuration menu or control commands. Custom substitutions from the ROM character library can only be done using universal control commands.

*Emulation dependent.

**Custom characters from the host are downloaded using universal control commands.

***Custom substitutions from the ROM library are done using universal control commands.

Process of Creating Character Sets

Page 382
Image 382
Epson 4100 manual Process of Creating Character Sets