Operator's Guide 289
ESC P 1 v Define Answer Back Message
ASCII: ESC P 1 v (h1)...(h30)
Control:CTRL [ P 1 v (h1)...(h30)
Decimal: 27 80 49 118 (h1)...(h30)
Hexadecimal: 1B 50 31 76 (h1)...(h30)
Enters an Answer Back Message string in permanent memory. When
control code ENQ is received, the printer sends this Answer Back
Message back to the host.
h1 through h30 are hexadecimal numbers representing characters of the
Answer Back Message.
The message may contain up to 30 characters, including spaces.
Additional characters are discarded. If the message is less than 30
characters long, use control sequence ESC \ (or control code ST if the
upper control codes are enabled) to terminate the message.
Both printable characters and control characters can be used in the
message. The message remains in permanent memory until a new
message is defined.
The following example defines the message "LA210."
LPRINT CHR$(27);"P1v4C41323130";
LPRINT CHR$(27);"\";
ENQ Return Answer Back Message
Control: CTRL E
Decimal: 5
Hexadecimal: 05
Returns the message defined with the Define Answer Back Message
command ESC P 1 v (h1)...(hx). The message is sent back to the host on
the serial port.