Operator's Guide 277
ESC } to map G2 into the lower or upper data bytes, respectively, making
that character map active for printing.
ESC O or SS3 Print Next Character from G3
Control:CTRL [O (n)
Hexadecimal:1B 4F (n)
ASCII: SS3 (n)
Control: not applicable
Decimal: 143 (n)
Hexadecimal:8F (n)
Prints the next character from the G3 character map selected with control
sequence ESC +. n specifies the character to print. The value of n must
be from 0 to 127. G3 does not need to be currently active (that is,
mapped into the lower or upper data bytes) to use this command.
Both commands perform the same function. SS3 is valid only if "8 Bit
DEC" has been set in the configuration menu and if the C1 control codes
have been enabled using ESC SP 7.
This command is valid for printing one character only. To print
continuously from the G3 character map, use control code ESC o or ESC
| to map G3 into the lower or upper data bytes, respectively, making that
character map active for printing.
The following prints the character £ from the U.K. character set.
LPRINT CHR$(27);"+A";
LPRINT CHR$(27);"O";