48 Configuration
To move through the menu, you must respond to the menu options and
queries using the YES, BACK, and NEXT keys:


For example, in response to "Help Options" above, press YES. The
printer prints:
Status Print ?
If you do not want a "Status Print," then press NEXT to move on to the
next configuration item:
Menu Tree ?
If you need to change direction in the menu, you can reverse the query
string by pressing BACK. This returns you to "Status Print?"
Status Print ?
If you change your mind about "Status Print," press YES and the printer
prints out the present default settings—similar to the one shown on
Page 60.
The moment you press YES the printer executes the request—either
printing out the report or making the default setting change. Also, in the
case of a default change, the change also is made to the current (active)
printer settings. For example, if you answer YES to the "Char/Inch"
change (Page 75) from "10" to "12," the change is in effect when you
leave the configuration menu.