System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual | Channels and Strips |
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Divergence Rear (DivR): Same as Divergence Front.
Focus Rear (FocR): Same as Focus Front.Page 2
Pan Graph
When the Pan parameters are on the knobset, a pan graph appears on the TFT screen showing the two-dimensional position (front:surround and left:right) for that channel.
Figure 8-14 Pan graph
The System 5-B panner has an automatic function called SmartPan that prevents the disappearance of the audio signal during panning if some of that Main Section’s busses are not assigned. For example, if a channel is assigned to a 5.1 Main Section output but does not send anything to the center main bus, SmartPan automatically uses a stereo pan law so the signal is still present when panned to the center. SmartPan is always on and cannot be disabled by the user.
Track Panner Module
The Track Panner Module is a four-Strip wide optional addition to the System 5-B con- sole. It controls the Pan of a channel, Multi Format Master, or Control Group assigned to the Center Strip. Press a Strip’s Wave key to assign it to the Center Strip; the active channel’s Pan is automatically controlled by the Track Panner Module.
The switch to the lower left of the trackball is the Select/Punch key for the trackball panner. The switch to the lower right of the trackball provides the same function as the Pan function key on the assigned channel: the Pan parameters are assigned to the knob- set and the Pan graph appears in the TFT display.