System | CM402 Center Section |
6.2Knobset Panels
Pan | 3 | 5 | Pan |
1/2 | 4 | 6 | 7/8 | F1tp | F1fr | F2tp | F2fr |
| KnobValues |
| AssignKnobs |
| Aux | in | 12:Guit |
| Filt | in |
cfg | Slct/ Punch |
| P1 P2 P3 | P4 | P5 Store P Slct/ Punch |
| cfg |
| Dyn | in |
| EQ | in |
xKne | xHld | cKne | cGMU | LoQ | LmQ | HmQ | HiQ |
xAtk | xRel | cAtk | cRel | LoF | LmF | HmF | HiF |
xRat | xThr | cRat | cThr | LoG | LmG | HmG | HiG |
Figure 6-3 Center Panel knobsets
The Center Section’s knobsets extend access to the Center Strip’s functions. The two panels of 16 (4x4) knobs above the Channel Select Panel are dedicated to dynamics (left) and EQ (right). The two panels of eight (2x4) knobs above the Knobset Control Panel display different combinations of Aux, Input, and Filters depending on what is
6.2.1Knobset Control Panel
The Knobset Control Panel configures the knobs above the panel and which pages of Dynamics and EQ appear below it. The Input and Aux functions have configu- ration pages which can be accessed by pressing both cfg WX keys simultaneously (see Section 8.3 - Channel Processing Functions for details about the configuration pages). The LCD display in the center of the panel shows the current Center Strip channel.