Main Bus Send/Return 46
Monitors 47
Solo Bus and Utility Patching 47
Talkback Signal 47
PFL. See Solo
Quick Access Panel 66
route 27, 30, 61, 62, 80, 81, 99 Routing 80
Group Bus 80 Main Bus 80, 119
Save. See eMix Setup 25, 88 setup 36, 42 Slate
frequency 64 level 64
Snapshot 129, 133 Solo 67
APL 67 Backstop PFL 69 Busses 47 Film Mode 67 Intercancel 68 Level 68 Mode 67 Momentary 68 PFL 67
Safe 69 Speaker Dim 68 Speaker Selection 68 Sum 68
Sources 37, 39, 42, 44, 45, 56, 57 Speakers 64, 137
CR Level 60
Cut Individual CR 60
Pan laws 111
Phase Reversal of LR CR 60 Solo selection 68
Solo speaker dim 68 Spill 94
Spill Area 127
Spill Select 96 Strip 94
Expand 94
Lock 94
Strip Expand 95 Swap 70 Swap key 99
Wave 72
Wave Key 99