Chapter 10: Layouts and Snapshots
•The PatchNet digital signal patching system (see Chapter 4: eMix Application) can save a complex patch system for each Title.
Snapshots and Layouts further extend this model of flexibility by storing different, but complementary, information that describes the console state at a given time:
•Layouts store the
For example, channel 8 is mapped to Strip 3 Main level.
•Snapshots store the settings of selected channel functions and settings, even if they are not currently assigned to the console surface.
For example, a Snapshot that contains Channel 3’s EQ and Dynamics will re- store the values to both functions, regardless of the current knobset function.
Snapshots and Layouts naturally complement each other because their information, while related, does not overlap: Layouts map channels to Strips and Snapshots determine all, or part of, their channel settings.
Naming, storing, modifying, and recalling functions are accomplished through the Snapshot and Layout Panels, accessed from the Main Panel.