System | CM401 Master Section |
5.3.2Solo Level
The Solo knob controls the solo level (APL and PFL modes) sent to the speakers or the Solo Output in PatchNet. The level is indicated on the LEDs surrounding the knob. The LED in the center of the knob flashes when a channel is soloed.
5.3.3Solo Clear
All solo channels can be cleared using either of these methods:
•Press the switch in the center of the Solo knob.
•Press the Clear key on the
5.3.4Intercancel, Momentary, and Sum
The Solo keys on the Strips sum by default: the Sum key is illuminated when the Solo Control Panel is first displayed. This means that multiple channels can be soloed by pressing additional Solo keys. Soled channels must then be explicitly cleared. There are two other options available in the Solo Control Panel that control the Solo key:
•Momentary: The Solo key must be held down but multiple channels can be simultaneously active.
•Intercancel: Pressing each new Solo key clears the last solo channel and activates the new one.
5.3.5Solo Speaker Selection
The APL and PFL solo signals can be routed to the following speakers by activating their respective keys in the Solo Control Panel:
•Solo>None: This still routes signal to the MC524’s cue speaker outputs. This is an important feature for broadcasters.
•Solo>Alt1: The Solo signal is sent to the Alt1 speaker.
•Solo>Alt2: The Solo signal is sent to the Alt2 speaker.
•Solo>Flw: The Solo signal follows the active control room speaker selection (Main, Alt1, or Alt2).
5.3.6Solo Speaker Dim
In APL and PFL modes, the speakers not fed by the Solo signal can be dimmed. Press the DimCR key in the Solo Control Panel.