To adjust the idle time after which RPM4’s SCREEN SAVER activates.


RPM4 has a SCREEN SAVER function which causes the display to dim after a front panel key is NOT pressed for a certain amount of time. The default is for the screen saver to activate after 10 idle minutes. The screen saver activation time can be adjusted by the user or screen saving can be completely eliminated.

Setting screen saver time to zero eliminates the SCREEN SAVER function so that the display permanently remains at full brightness.


To access the SCREEN SAVER function, press [SPECIAL], <5prefs>, <1ScrSav>. Edit, in minutes, the idle time after which screen saver will activate to dim the screen. Set the time to zero to eliminate the SCREEN SAVER function.<2SOUND>


To adjust or suppress the RPM4 valid key press sound.


RPM4 provides audible feedback by a brief “beep” when a valid key press is made. The tone frequency of this beep may be selected from three choices or it may be completely suppressed. Invalid key presses are indicated by a descending two tone “blurp” which cannot be suppressed.


To access the keypad sound adjustment function press [SPECIAL], <5prefs>, <2sound>.

Select between <2lo>, <3mid> or <4hi> to adjust the valid key press tone frequency. Select <1none> to suppress the valid key press tone.

The sound function only affects the valid key press tone. The invalid key press tone and other RPM4 sounds cannot be adjusted or suppressed.<3TIME>


To view and edit the RPM4 internal time and date settings.


To access the TIME function

press [SPECIAL], <5prefs>, <3time>. The display is:

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Fluke RPM4 5.1 1SCRSVR, 5.2 2SOUND, 5.3 3TIME, Press SPECIAL, 5prefs, 3time. The display is, Edit 1time 2date 083211 am