To view or edit upper and lower limits press [SETUP], <4UL>.

If the current measurement mode is absolute or gauge, there is an upper limit only. The display is:

1.Entry field for upper limit value in active pressure unit of measure and measurement mode.

Upper limit: Hi 204.000 kPa a

Edit the upper limit value as desired. The maximum upper limit is 105 % of span in an AutoRange range or 102 % of default Q-RPT full scale, whichever is smaller. Press [ENT] to return to the MAIN RUN screen with the new upper limit active. Press [ESC] to return to the MAIN RUN screen with no change to the upper limit.

If the current measurement mode is negative gauge, there is an upper limit and a lower limit. The display is:

1.Entry field for upper limit value.

2.Entry field for lower limit value and active range pressure unit of measure and measurement mode indication.

Upper: 104.00



kPa g

Edit the upper and lower limit values as desired. Use the cursor control keys to move between the two edit fields. The lower limit must be a negative value. Press [ENT] to return to the MAIN RUN screen with the new upper and/or lower limit active. Press [ESC] to return to the MAIN RUN screen with no change to the limits.

When the upper or lower limit has been exceeded, the display of current pressure flashes and a buzzer sounds for 3 seconds on/2 seconds off intervals. Change the pressure applied to RPM4 so that it is within the upper and/or lower limit to return to normal operation.

Upper limit values are specific to each range and measurement mode. Be careful not to assume that the upper limit set in one measurement mode will apply to the other. For example, if you change the upper limit in gauge mode, the upper limit will not be changed in negative gauge mode.

Upper limits are always specified and displayed in the current pressure unit except for altitude units. When in altitude units, upper limits are expressed in kPa if the altitude unit is meters (m) and psi if the altitude unit is feet (ft).

In Hi Q-PRT differential mode (see Section there are two UL values for the Hi Q- RPT. One is the upper and lower limts for differential pressure, with a default value equal to the span of the Lo RPT. The other is the UL on the base mode of the Hi Q-RPT DF range to monitor the maximum pressure on the Hi Q-RPT. In differential mode, the Lo Q- RPT UL is also active to provide monitoring of the differential mode line pressure.

© 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company

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Fluke RPM4 manual Upper limit Hi 204.000 kPa a, Upper Lower-110.00 KPa g