Chapter 3 How to Use ScandAll PRO

3.6 Scanning Approaches

With ScandAll PRO, you can scan documents through your scanner. The two following approaches are available:

Scanning with [Scan]

Each time you scan documents, you may need to configure new settings as necessary, such as the file format, saving destination, and scan parameters.

Use the [Scan] option when you want to scan documents on a single-shot basis.

For details, refer to "3.7 Scanning with [Scan]" (on page 58).

Scanning with [Batch Scan]

You can create a "profile" that holds predetermined settings such as the file format and saving destination, scan parame- ters, image processing properties, and the application to link with. According to the profile selected, the scanner automatically scan documents.

You can create more than one profile beforehand, so you do not have to configure new settings every time you scan documents. You only need to switch between profiles.

The [Batch Scan] option is useful in a case where you want to scan a large volume of documents under a particular condi- tion.

For details, refer to "3.8 Scanning with [Batch Scan]" (on page 61).