Touchpad Brightness (042)

Touchpad Brightness (042)




Options (Default = 2)






This setting lets the user lighten or

￿To adjust Touchpad Brightness:

darken the background on touchpad


Press A or B until the display shows OPTIONS.

displays. Each touchpad can be set


Press #, then A or B until the display shows TOUCHPAD BRIGHTNESS n (current setting).

to compensate for lighting condi-


Enter a setting from 0 (darkest background) to 3 (brightest background). The display flashes

tions in the touchpad location.


the entered selection.





Press # and the display shows the new setting.












Volume (043)




Options (Default = 4)







This setting determines the vol-

￿To adjust status sound Volume:


ume level of status sounds from


Press A or B until the display shows OPTIONS, then press #.


speakers connected to the Phone


Next, press A or B until the display shows VOLUME n (current setting).


Interface/Voice Module.


Enter a setting from 0 (off) to 7 (loudest). The display flashes the entered selection.





Press # and the display shows the new setting.












Voice Chime (044)



Options (Default = on)






This setting determines whether


￿To turn Voice Chime off or on:


speakers connected to the Phone



Press A or B until the display shows OPTIONS.


Interface/Voice Module announce



Press # then A or B until the display shows VOICE CHIME OFF/ON (current set-


perimeter sensor/zone numbers that




are tripped when the Chime feature is


Press 1 (off) or 2 (on). The display flashes the entered selection.


on. For example, “Sensor one open.”


Press # and the display shows the new setting.












Chime On Close (045)



Options (Default = off)






When this setting is on, the panel


￿To turn Chime On Close off or on:


sounds a single chime when a perime-


Press A or B until the display shows OPTIONS.


ter door or window is closed.



Press # then A or B until the display shows CHIME ON CLOSE OFF/ON (current set-












Press 1 (off) or 2 (on). The display flashes the entered selection.






Press # and the display shows the new setting.







Set Up Schedules Menu

The SET UP SCHEDULES menu lets you set up time frames for light control and exception opening/ closing reports. The system (all partitions) allows you to set up to 16 schedules (00–15).

Setting up schedules consists of setting a start and stop time for each schedule, then selecting which days of the week the schedule will be active. You can also set up a rollover schedule, which starts on one day and ends on another day. This saves programming time and leaves more schedules available (in case they are needed later).

Rollover Schedule Example: To set up a schedule to rollover from Tuesday evening to Wednes- day morning, set a schedule start time for 2200 (10:00 P.M.) and a stop time for 0500 (5:00 A.M.). Set the schedule to turn on Tuesday. Because the stop time is set for morning, the system auto- matically carries the schedule over to the next day.

If you use the same start and stop times described above and set the schedule to turn on Monday through Friday, then one schedule will cover the entire week.


Concord Ultra

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GE 60-960-95 Touchpad Brightness, Volume, Voice Chime, Chime On Close, Set Up Schedules Menu, Options Default =, ting