When you pick up the phone you do not get a dial tone.
Make sure the ISDN line has voice capability. If you are using the S/T version, try removing other ISDN equipment on the line. Try using a different SPID and DN on the phone port. If the problem persists, contact Eicon Technology.
The LINK LED does not go on.
Make certain that the cable in the ISDN connection has the right interface: U or S/T.
Characters are missing when displaying VT100 screens or AT command status
Refresh the screen by escaping the VT100 screen or
Callers cannot access your VoiceMail
If you have a voice mailbox on your line and callers sometimes get a busy signal rather than your VoiceMail box, do one of the following:
•Windows 95/98/NT Users. Activate the “Enable voice mail” option on the Configuration Tool’s Phone Lines panel. See page 39 for more information.
•Windows 3.x/DOS. Use AT commands to correct the problem. Do the following:
1Start the
2Configure the
3Confirm you are connected to the DIVA T/A by typing AT and pressing Enter. The DIVA T/A should respond with “OK”.