Configuring Profiles under Windows 95/98/NT
Follow the steps below to configure a profile:
1Do one of the following:
•Click the icon on your taskbar (Windows 95/98 only).
•From the windows taskbar click Start, then select Programs\Eicon DIVA T/A ISDN Modem\Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters.
2From the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapter Program, click the DIVA T/A icon; the Profiles Window appears.
3From the Profiles window, select a profile from the Profiles list (three default names appear: Profile 0, Profile 1, Profile 2). Click Configure.
Note: If you want to change the default name of a profile, select the profile and click Rename. Change the name and continue.
Note: If you have a North American version of the DIVA T/A, the Configuration Wizard can automatically detect your SPIDs (ISDN number(s) can also be detected if your line features AutoSPID). If you want to use the Configuration Wizard, click the Wizard button. Follow the Wizard’s