DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 61

Enter the following command at the prompt and press Enter:


The main VT100 Configuration Tool screen opens:

| DIVA T/A ISDN Modem – North American Version 1.7.0 |
| Copyright © 1997 Eicon Technology Corporation |
|MENU: Main menu |Choice: |
| |Current profile|
| Open Profile: Current profile |Profile 0 |
| |Profile 1 |
| ISDN Parameters: < press Enter > |Profile 2 |
| Protocol: Multilink PPP |Factory profile|
| Phone Line: < press Enter > | |
| Advanced: < press Enter > | |
| | |
| Powerup Profile: Profile 0 | |
| Save Profile: Profile 0 | |
| Restart Unit: Profile 0 | |
| Quit | |
|<ESC> Quit | |
| Selects which profile to open: current, stored (0,1,2) or factory. |
| -Loads the current profile. |
Navigating in the VT100 Configuration Tool Screen

The following table describes the function keys that let you

navigate the VT100-Configuration-Tool screen:

Key Function

Up arrow Moves the cursor to the previous field.
Down arrow Moves the cursor to the next field.
Right arrow Displays the sub-menu l e vel . In a te xt fie l d, it
moves the cursor one character to the right.
Left arrow Displays the previous menu level. In a text field, it
moves the cursor one character to the left.
Enter Validates the configuration setting and displays the
next field, or displays the next menu.
Tab Displays the next field.
Space bar Displays the next choice available (in fields
offering multiple choices).