DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 63
Configure the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Switch Type Specifies the ISDN switch type used by your
ISDN service provider.
North American firmware: For most
locations, Auto-detect should be used. If the
ISDN Switch Type cannot be automatically
detected, specify National ISDN-1 (NI-1) or
AT&T (5ESS).
International (Excluding North America)
firmware: Europe (Euro ISDN), Japan
(INS-Net64), and Australia (TPH1962).
Note: Australia has two switch types
available: TPH1962 (Microlink) and Euro
ISDN (Onramp); indicate the appropriate
(1st/2nd Number)
Applies to North American firmware only.
Service Profile Identifier (SPID). A number,
specified by your ISDN provider, which
identifies your ISDN equipment to the
switch, and in most instances, is
automatically detected with AutoSPID. For
more information on AutoSPID, refer to
page 96.