4Specify where you want to install the DIVA T/A software. Click next to install in the default directory (the default directory differs according to your platform); otherwise, click the browse button and select a directory, then click Next.
The Setup Wizard installs all necessary files.
5Click Finish.
The software installation is complete. You must now configure your DIVA T/A with one or more configuration profiles. Do one of the following:
•Windows 3.x users. If you are using Window’s 3.x, the Windows 3.x Configuration tool appears. Go to the Section Using the Windows 3.x/WFW 3.11 Configuration Tool on page 49.
•Windows 95/98 and NT users. If you are using Windows 95/98 or NT, the New Devices Detected window appears. Select the DIVA T/A ISDN Modem. Click OK to start the Windows 95/98/NT Configuration Wizard; continue at step 6 below.