
Installation of Optional Modules

2.6.2 4XTMF Municipal Box Transmitter Option Module

The 4XTMF module can be plugged into connectors J4 and J5 on the main circuit board.

The following steps must be followed when installing the 4XTMF module:

1.Remove all power (AC and DC) from the FACP before installing the modules

2.Cut jumper JP30 on the main circuit board to allow the control panel to supervise the placement of the 4XTMF option module

3.Install the two supplied metal standoffs in the locations indicated. These standoffs provide the required earth ground protection

4.Carefully plug the connectors on the option module into connectors J4 and J5 on the FACP main circuit board, being careful not to bend any pins

5.Secure the option module to the standoff on the main circuit board with the supplied screws

6.When the installation has been completed, connect the wiring to the modules as indicated in the following sections

7.Test system for proper operation





Figure 2.13 4XTMF Option Module Connection


MRP-2001 & MRP-2001E PN 53040:A 4/16/2007